Forums - View Single Post - Nocturnal White-tails... Bringing them out after sunrise!
Old 12-27-2010, 02:08 PM
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 75

Originally Posted by halfbakedi420
your best chance is when there is no moon...its to dark fer them to see so well, so they will be out 1st light..sometimes!!! (no deer cant see in the dark....their eyes just allow in more light than a humans, so they can see better than us at night.)
if the pressure is hard, ya might never see em in the daytime.
I beg to differ here. A whitetail can see plenty at night time. His eyes contain a magnitude of heavy rods that allows him to see very well at night. We as humans have a lot of cones in our eyes ( allowing us to see and decipher colors better) but not in the dark. The only thing that puts a whitetail at a disadvantage to a human is the whitetails poor depth perception due to the presence of so many rods in his eyes. Another very important thing to note is that the whitetail "also" has what EVERY nocturnal and predatory animal in the world has.....the tapetum lucidum, a reflective disc behind the retina that gathers light in low light to nearly no-light situations. So just like a raccoon, owl, coyote, the whitetail Deer is also nocturnal. There is far more whitetail activity during night time hours than you will ever see during the day time. ( just look at everyone's game cams as proof )Whitetails are built to survive. They don't even need to come out in daylight. For centuries they have survived using nocturnal tactics to evade humans and other predators and I doubt they will stop this habit anytime soon.
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