Forums - View Single Post - Anyone know what this upper state NY shrub is??
Old 05-12-2010, 06:01 PM
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 14

Originally Posted by Robertesq1
Yes. The problem... the viburnium seedlings will get browsed down immediately while the invasives are left to thrive....
If or when you were to plant the shrubs you would defenitely have to tube them to protect them until they are big enough to withstand browsing. But by doing some kind of control on the invasives, you will be promoting native vegetation to grow. Just trying to say that for the long term health of the habitat on your property it would be wise to try to practice some sort of control on the Barberry and Autumn Olive. I could defenitely find the best control methods for you if you want. I know barbarry is easy to kill, but I'm not as familiar with controlling Autumn Olive.
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