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Old 11-08-2008, 09:28 AM
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Default RE: met the stupidest person every today

American Hunter magazine did an article a few months back on how to argue with an anti, but i can't find it online. here's a quick and dirty version i found on another site:

Step 1. Be Nice.

Step 2. Let the Anti begin

Step 3. Point out their Contradictions
the author goes on to list 10 misconceptions that Anti's have about us.
10. Hunting increases deer-vehicle collisions.
9. Hunting isn't fair.
8. You only want to kill.
7. Hunting results in increased Violence.
6. Compensatory rebound causes the hunted deer to have more fawns.
5. We don't need hunting because there's a natural predator-prey symbiotic relationship.
4. (my favorite) Deer birthcontrol can replace hunters.

3. Hunters only kill trophies.
2. Humans are the only species that enjoys killing.
1.Hunting doesn't reduce predator attacks.

Step 4. Explain the Bennies of hunting. (they listed some)
1, Do you know hunting helps wildlife species recover.
2, Did you know sportsmen, Not mountain Bikers, Bird watchers, or Hikers, Pay for conservation and endangered species Protection.
3, Did you know that when you end hunting even song birds suffer?
4, Did you know that proffessional hunters keep airports safe?
5, Did you know hunting deer Reduces highway fatalities?
6, Did you know that even vegitarians rely on hunters?

Step 5 Provide a way out of muddled logic

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