Forums - View Single Post - Doe #2 down-You know she's small when your buddy says "She sure will be good eating"
Old 10-30-2008, 09:41 AM
Typical Buck
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Default Doe #2 down-You know she's small when your buddy says "She sure will be good eating"

I went out Tuesday evening with the idea of shooting the first doe that presented a shot as I have made a commitment to my friend to try and kill at least 10 doe off his property this year. He was actually allocated over 45 extra tags which really surprised me. I think I'll stick with the 10 right now.

Well, the first doe that came in and presented a 21 yard shot had a fawn that was as brown and spotted as one you would see in July. I didn't see it untilI was already drawn back but i had to let back down.

Not being judgemental to anyone else, we all have to set our standards, but if the fawn has spots, the monma walks.

Then the little guy in the picture below comes by and about 5 minutes later a large group of doe come by and I draw back on the first one that presented a shot.

I have to weigh and age all the deer for the State Wildlife Dept as part of the depradation program (its actually fun and it forces you to do it).

This little gal is a definite 1 1/2 yo gross weighed 121# and field dress 86#. Yep, she will be good eating.

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