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Thread: Camp food
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Old 08-25-2008, 08:47 PM
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: NY
Posts: 88
Default RE: Camp food

We would heat water for Folgers instant coffee bags, and eat big blueberry muffins for breakfast for something quick in the morning. I like either perked coffee or coffee maker coffee, but 7 miles in it tasted pretty good. We were tired as heck when we got back at night so just heating up them meals in boiling water was quick and he made a lot of it. It was good too. I am used to camp hunting for whitetails, but not sleeping in a big wall tent at 20deg. in the morning and crawling out when its that cold. Our camp stoves go out at night sometimes but it doesn't get that cold in there, someone is always getting up and putting wood in stove. no matter how much wood you put in the tent we still was qiute cold. That took a few days to get used to.
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