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Old 12-14-2007, 07:18 AM
Mossy_71's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Trussville, AL
Posts: 171
Default RE: Sunday Hunting ban

Blue Laws were laws that originated in the days of the early settlers to the northeastern US, Puritans. The name came from the blue parchment paper that the laws were written on. The purpose of these laws were to restrict/ban certain activities from taking place on Sundays.

I personally have no issue with the seperation of church and state. The founding fathers of this country were christians and this once great country was founded on christian beliefs. I truly believe that the reason for a lot of the problems in this country today are a result of turning our backs on God and trying to remove any and all references to God from our schools, courts, etc.

With that being said, I do not agree with such "Blue Laws." I believe that everyone has the God-given and Constitutional right to determine what they choose to do on any given day, so long that it does not affect others and is within the law. Laws and state and federal constitutions have been reviewed since their inceptions to take into account the changing times. Sections have been re-interpreted,re-worded, or removed all together and new ones have been added. Beliefs that governed the days when the "Blue Laws" came into existence have changed considerably over the past 300 years and should fall under closer review and appropriate changes made.

I highly recommend that you exhaust all of your resources and never give up the fight as so many here have already stated.
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