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Old 12-06-2007, 10:46 AM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 71
Default RE: homeprotection


Most home confrontation shootings are in the range 14-21 FEET people, I'll say it again 14-21 FEET!!!!!!! Just how much damn firepower do you really thinnk you need at that range?????? Even a 12ga 2-3/4" # 6 dove load is going torender instantincapacitation and death with a torso hit, at that range. It will do so, without endagering your children and neighbors. So to say that bird shot and turkey loads are not a viable home defense load is BS.
What research have you done to prove this, because there are many anecdotes of people getting shot up close with birdshot and walking to the ambulance to get checked out at the hospital. Or is this just what you THINK will happen?

I would also like to state that the racking of the slide on a pump shotgun in itself can be a deterent. In the span of 14-21 FEET, only someone with a death wish will go up against a shotgun while armed with a handgun, unless they were professionally and expertly trained in CQC handgunning. Your average crackhead criminal will not be.
You are now assuming a crackhead or guy hopped up on meth thinks rationally, are you serious here? Within 21 feet is considered "danger close" for someone, even with a knife to be able to get to you before you get a shot will not be able to dictate the terms of this engagement.

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