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Old 08-12-2007, 11:41 AM
Mantis Mayer
Typical Buck
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Default RE: 10 - Official Team 10 Thread

Whats up team! Page 3 and you're panties are in a bunch on no shows.

Team name. There is only one: TENTH LEGION

Anyone notfamilar with that?

When a small city-state in middle Italy conquered the world, and kept it conquered for five centuries, historians agree generally that of all the Roman Legions, there was none to match the Tenth.

Generation after generation, in country after country, and against successive waves of barbarians, there was always the Tenth.

Three hundred years after the formation of the original Tenth, when no great-grandfather left alive could remember the great-grandson of the youngest man of the original group, the legend of the Tenth grew and fed upon itself and was self-sustaining. ~Tom Kelly TENTH LEGION
So now I think this is the time where we show off our wives/girlfriends. No wait no that's a lil after we all say a little bit about ourselves.

I'm turning29 in 6 days. Bowhunted since the age of 14. Have ababy boy due on Sept. 17th. Work as a Firefighter and do a little Surveying on the side. Hunting only in NY this year and am good for around 120inches if I don't drop the ball like last year and do something as stupid as close on a home the day before season. Good god that sucked[:@] That's enough about me for now. It's time to go sling some chit at the other teams!

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