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Old 06-25-2007, 11:14 AM
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 469
Default RE: Bowhunting TV Shows - likes/dislikes?

Staged Scenes when actually Hunting
Poor Shot choices (quartering toward etc Quick turnoff)
Making it look "easy"Be real.
Tacky product sponsor plugs. Just use the product, the viewer sees it
Guided "sit here and he will come out at 6 am" type hunts.

Informative. (Bedding areas, food source, why here, how etc)
Real things as they happen. Blood trailing the deer, finding it.
Commercial time shows why theproduct works and why it is better
Show that it does not always work out. Again, keeping it real.

Just not enough "how to" segments anymore. Need more of that.


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