Forums - View Single Post - When did you lose your virignity? (Its not what you think, I dont know what you guys are thinking)
Old 05-22-2006, 07:53 AM
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Default RE: When did you lose your virignity? (Its not what you think, I dont know what you guys are thinking)

I was young, maybe 4. She wasmuch older and more experianced then me.In the back of my head Iknew aalot of guys had her before me but it didnt matter,that day she was all mine. She taughtme so much .As Garth Brooks once sang "there has never been a summer were I ever learned that much." I cant drive past a lake without thinking of that day.

I couldnt help mey self, to tell ya the truth Icantrecall when it was. I have been fishing sinceI could cast and I cant think back that far. I do remember my first steelhead, 33in and around 15lbs, caughtit on a 5ft rod, 4lb test and a little cleo.
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