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Old 03-29-2006, 09:01 AM
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Default RE: largest trout to date...

Sweet fish, way to go.

As far as thelbs I would say maybe 4 but looksmore like 3, but it is hard to say because I dont know how dig of a guy you are. A good way to get a quick measure is by using your rod. I know thatthe"S" on my rod is a 12 in andhave other marks out to19 (I dont get many trout over that , plus any fish over 19 is just considered a monste anyway), worksfast and you dont have to keep the fish out of the water to long.

As faras size goes who caresthat is a great fish, and sounds like it gave one heck of a fight.

Thanks for the pics and way to go, keep it up and all those guyswill be asking whatfly to use.
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