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Old 02-12-2011, 04:18 PM
Typical Buck
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Where animals get eaten
Posts: 671

Originally Posted by Gunplummer
I think some of the "ethical" stuff here is really over the top. Not all states have the same game laws and if you got a ticket it would be up to the courts to decide who was in the right. A recent article in the Pennsylvania Game News magazine is a good example. A bear was reported dragging itself along a road and it was assumed it was hit by a car. It turned out it was shot in the spine (during deer season). Long story short, the Wardens trailed the bear and found the woman that shot it. The woman said she saw something moving in the bushes and thought it was a deer. She got no ticket because there is no law covering killing a bear by mistake.
Anyway, I really don't pay attention to "super law abiding hunters" since I caught a rather well known outdoor writer intentionally breaking the game law when I was checking my fox traps one day.
if that woman was here she would be fined for shooting something she never had a tag for unless she did have a tag,then she would have been on the trail of a wounded animal,theres no crime in that,this is a far cry from not taging a harvested animal,btw i hope shes not stillout there considering she shooting at things she hasnt totaly identified.isnt that the very first hunter safty commandment,be sure of your target and beyond?
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