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Old 10-31-2006, 10:57 AM
LaHoytguy's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 111
Default RE: used tampons???

reminds me of a girl I knew when I was in highschool. After talking about hunting with her for a few weeks she finally confided in me that her dad had her pee in a jar during that time of the month and he would put it out around his stand. At the time I saw the whole point in it and figured it would probably work but theidea/ethics behind this guy asking his littlegirl to pee in a jar for daddy seemed kinda off to me. I would rather buy a bottle of tinks. I can afford the extra couple of dollars for store bought deerpeewith out having to resort to asking for used tampons or peeing in a bottle. What is the point? Do yall just not have faith in store bought lures or do you think that they cost too much? I do beleave they work just seems like the "juice isnt worth the squeeze."But to every man/woman his own I suppose. Good luck either way.
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